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Practicing What We Preach July 9th, 2014

Written by Banu Raghuraman, Director of Marketing & Communications (@banudesigns)

Last weekend, the executive and board members met with a team of consultants to work on addressing some of Endeavour’s challenges and opportunities to inform the development of a new strategic plan. As with any other young non-profit organization, there is always room for improvement.

An engaged team of participants met at Metro Hall and completed activities and participated in group discussion to brainstorm how Endeavour could function more effectively and efficiently. The participants brought their experiences and challenges to the table within the structured agenda, facilitated by the consulting team.


The discussions were energetic and full of ideas, which spoke of the common interest that everyone in the organization was striving to achieve and work towards. Based on the session feedback, the consulting team will provide a summary document with their suggestions, to Endeavour in the near future. (Click here to see what Endeavour can do for you as an Non-profit organization)

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